Apr 27, 2014
When you elevate something that is not important and dedicate some passion to it, you are living your life to the top. I don’t care what it is: running, playing the guitar, tasting wine, watching a TV show about a mad man in a blue police box flying through space and time, cooking, eating, even podcasting.
I am, and have been since I was a small child, a fan of the Boston Red Sox. The game is one of my passions.
The purpose of this episode; if there was a purpose, was to demonstrate the importance of passion in our lives and to highlight, for those who may not be fans of baseball or of my beloved Boston Red Sox, how it feels to not appreciate or understand another persons passion. I’m not really into movies or theater, I don’t understand someone’s passion for dance, baking, T'ai chi ch’uan, floral arraignment, crochet or scrap-booking…but I can appreciate the passion someone might have for those things, and I’ll keep an open mind for my own possibly developing passion for those things and more.
Life is short, but it should be long enough…and the universe offers us so much to experience, enjoy and be passionate about. Find your passion, whatever it is, and you’ll find your joy.
Play Ball!
Melodious advice by Neil on Twitter @neilbearse
Both opening and closing themes songs were by Jim Fidler at jimfidler.com.
The song - “Loud Like Love” was by the band Placebo from London. Find all of their amazing alternative music and videos over at http://placeboworld.co.uk
FitBit at fitbit.steverunner.com.
Intervals between episodes, and Burning 40 updates can be found at steverunnerblog.com
In Vino Veritas with http://www.coachjeff.com.au/at http://www.thewinechatpodcast.com/
ONLY IF YOU LIKE IT: (But really, PLEASE, only if you can afford it!) Phedippidations is supported monthly through the kind and sincerely generous financial support of 71 friends and fellow runners:
William, Vera, Katie, Ryan, Chaise, Gordon, Scott, Mike, David, Jeff, Colin, Jason, Diane, Cheryl, Ron, Mark, Martha, Greg, Jim, Tim, Bill, Michael, David, Doug, Vance, Marcelo, Roberto, Zaki, Margaret, James, Norm, Simon, Janice, Andrew, Pam, Rob, Glenn, Trey, Steve, John, Angie, Al, Toni, Martin, Lynn, Nancy, Eric, Jim, Joe, Martin, Rich, Tom, David, Pierre, Maria, Hisham, Andrea, Matt, Jen, Lou, Brad, Dave, Desiree, Jens (@ScenicRunner), Claudia, William, John, Jill, Elizabeth, Kevin and Pat.
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