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Jul 17, 2012

This episode celebrates the 7th anniversary of this podcast, the first episode of which was published on Independence Day, July 4th of the year 2005.

As you’d expect, my life is very different today than it was back then, in many ways better, in other ways…different; but I’m not complaining.  This is Life 2.0; the world has moved on, and so have we all.

One major point of improvement in my life is the many friends I have been so fortunate to make, as a direct result of this goofy little podcast.  

There have been days, sometimes weeks, where I haven’t felt like stepping up to the microphone.  There have been days and weeks when I haven’t felt like running.  The thing is; with your friendship, kindness and support: I’ve been inspired to run and motivated to podcast…to share with you my thoughts, opinions, observations and yes: even the tidbit details of my life; because when you run together you share something special…and even though this is a digital audio reproduction of my voice, somewhere in the world right now, some of our fellow runners are out on the road, getting their miles in and sharing the experience.

Conversations, Meditations, and Explorations for and about runners.

Phedippidations isn’t dead, but what it was seven years ago is but a ghost of what it has become.

Thank you for running with me this far; but we’re not even half way there, and we have a long…long way to go.


The song “Go” was by Stray Palace -

“Your Ex-Lover Is Dead” by Stars -

“At Home” by Crystal Fighters -

“Out Loud” by Black Lab -

“The Ballplayer” by Joe Purdy -

“I’m Not Afraid” by Remy Zero -

“Born Again” by Richard Ashcroft -

“Unextrodinary Man” by Animal Heart -


ONLY IF YOU LIKE IT: Phedippidations is supported every month through the very kind and sincerely generous financial support of 27 fellow runners: 

William, Vera, Katie, Heather, Ryan, Jan, Chaise, Andie, Gordon, Scott, Mike, David, Jeff, Colin, Jason, Diane, Manuel, Al, Ron, Mark, Martha, Greg, Jim, Maddy, Tim, Bill and Kevin.