Aug 7, 2009
A podcast should be an expression of yourself, with a deep and open honesty that reveals all of the good things in your heart, as well as your weaknesses. A podcast should not be a “show” per se, it should be a conversation: it should have as many audible elements that fit your personality and the truth of who you are. Fear of being honest is perceived by the listeners…and if you’re doing it right: you’ll not think of those who subscribe to your podcast as mere “listeners”, they’re fellow runners…lending you their ears and their time as you share something of each other through a very personal and intimate new form of media.
This is my podcast, Phedippidations…but it’s also your podcast…and if you’ll take the time to produce your own audio content for your fellow runners to run with; you’ll be producing something that we will feel ownership of: that’s because we’re really, honestly, truthfully sharing the road with these episodes…encouraging each other with words, prayers, hopes, dreams and an all too realistic experience in the Run Net Community.
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The song “The You and Me Show” was by Alicia Marie