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Dec 30, 2017

I've been thinking about my new years resolution alot lately.  Here's what I've come up with.

Dec 29, 2017

What makes a vacation?  Place? Comfort? Sure.  But I think disconnecting is important as well.  I dislike our "president", but I'm trying to be KIND, even to him. (and I'm not doing so well at that).

Dec 28, 2017

Today my wife and I are returning to the land of the frozen tundra of New England, but there's beauty even there.

Dec 27, 2017

As ridiculous as it sounds...I have to leave Southern Florida tomorrow afternoon.  Yeah...I know, crazy right?  Doesn't make sense to me either.

Dec 26, 2017

Our Holiday Vacation to Florida is coming to an end on Thursday, but today we're hanging out at the beach.