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Dec 7, 2013

I’m here with my family and friends…at place we consider to be the happiest place on earth. This is Key West.

Why this is our happy place is the focus of this episode, and before you get the wrong idea: this show wasn’t sponsored by the Key West Travel Bureau…I understand that many of you have your own personal...

Oct 31, 2013

I see the act of running as a pathway to a special state of consciousness that allows us to "expose and undo our hidden fears and hopes", to "befriend who we are are".

Doctor George Sheehan knew alot about this...but you have to really listen carefully to what he's actually saying in order to understand.

I'm about to...

Sep 29, 2013

While faith is, by definition, unwavering; scientific understanding often and sometimes frequently changes, as new observations about our universe are uncovered and demonstrated.

Conventional wisdom, those faith sourced ideas that are so greatly accepted that they go unquestioned, is an  oxymoron...that is, a...

Aug 24, 2013

Oxford Massachusetts is typical quaint New England Village, in the Heart of Central Massachusetts that remains, after 300 years, a quaint country town with a long American history.  

The Europeans settlers from France and England were not the first to live here; but since it’s founding the town has managed to maintain...

Jul 20, 2013

With this episode I’m off and running on my 9th year of podcasting. 

Did I think that I’d still be at it after all this time?  To be honest I didn’t really think about it...I just kept on producing the shows.  Clearly, this isn’t the same Phedippidations that it was back in 2005...alot has changed with the...