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May 31, 2007

You need to experiment with what you use to fuel yourself before, during and after a marathon.  It is as important as stretching, and following your training schedule as you prepare your body for the miles you have before you.

May 24, 2007

These rules of running etiquette are common sense items that most runners follow without much thought.  They can all fit under the single heading of “being respectful of our fellow runners‿ whether we’re out training, in a race, or just getting a few miles in with friends.  It really comes down to that ol’...

May 17, 2007

Monitoring the rate at which your heart pumps blood around your body is one way to measure your cardiac fitness, but having a feel for your body’s perceived exertion is just as important.  A heart rate monitor device may give you some useful information you can use to help improve your running performance.

May 11, 2007

Just as it is with any recipe, the one that will comprise your existence as a distance runner will be varied and unique. But just as you require eggs for an omelet, flour for cake and potatoes for making French fries…you will have basic ingredients required of you as you re-create yourself into an endurance athlete.

May 2, 2007

The stories about a runner’s first marathon are filled with emotion,well deserved pride, and a sense of satisfied accomplishment.  You will hear  how they set themselves a seemingly impossible goal that,through hard work, persistence, and an indomitable spirit they were able to achieve.  These are changed people who...